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Viewing User Profile for: leijin168
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Joined: Nov 30, 2021 11:12 PM
Last Post: Dec 1, 2021 09:52 PM
Last Visit: Dec 1, 2021 09:52 PM
Location: Bellevue, WA
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leijin168 has contributed to 2 posts out of 21251 total posts (0.01%) in 1,098 days (0.00 posts per day).

20 Most recent posts:
New IQFeed Forum » iqfeed crashed with latest winhq version on ubuntu Dec 1, 2021 09:52 PM (Total replies: 4)

According to IQFeed Diagnosis, the version is I believe I downloaded recently.

I am writing a custom python script to use historical data APIs to download end of day and minute data.

I didn't find a crashdump file, is there some setting I need to enable in order to catch a core dump?

where is the logfile saved?

New IQFeed Forum » iqfeed crashed with latest winhq version on ubuntu Nov 30, 2021 11:15 PM (Total replies: 4)

I encountered this error a few times. Iqfeed usually ran for a while (more than 20 - 30 minutes) and then crashed.

Unhandled exception: 0x40000015 in 64-bit code (0x000000007b01135e).
Register dump:
rip:000000007b01135e rsp:000000000340cf00 rbp:00000001400f5898 eflags:00000206 ( - -- I - -P- )
rax:000000000340cf40 rbx:00000001400f2940 rcx:000000000340cf20 rdx:0000000000000001
rsi:000000000340d028 rdi:000000000340cf48 r8:0000000000000001 r9:000000000340d020 r10:0000000000000008
r11:0000000000000246 r12:0000000000000008 r13:0000000000000001 r14:000000000340d150 r15:0000000000000080
Stack dump:
0x000000000340cf00: 000000000340cf20 00000001400f5898
0x000000000340cf10: 00000000709d9260 0000000000000001
0x000000000340cf20: 0000000140000015 0000000000000000
0x000000000340cf30: 000000007b01135e 0000000000000001
0x000000000340cf40: 00000001400f2940 0000000000000000
0x000000000340cf50: 000000000340d008 0000000000000000
0x000000000340cf60: 0000000000000000 00000000709d9260
0x000000000340cf70: 000000000340cff0 00000001400f2658
0x000000000340cf80: 0000000000000008 000000014007bf38
0x000000000340cf90: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x000000000340cfa0: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x000000000340cfb0: 000000000340cff0 0000000000000000
=>0 0x000000007b01135e EntryPoint+0xffffffffffffffff() in kernelbase (0x00000001400f5898)
1 0x000000014009480a in iqconnect (+0x94809) (0x00000001400f5898)
2 0x00000001400a91e9 in iqconnect (+0xa91e8) (0x00000001400f5898)
3 0x00000001400a866e in iqconnect (+0xa866d) (0x00000001400f5898)
4 0x00000001400ba91f in iqconnect (+0xba91e) (0x00000001400f5898)
5 0x00000001400aeeff in iqconnect (+0xaeefe) (0x0000000000000000)
6 0x00000001400ad6af in iqconnect (+0xad6ae) (0x0000000000000000)
7 0x000000014009e84f in iqconnect (+0x9e84e) (0x0000000000000000)
8 0x0000000140092223 in iqconnect (+0x92222) (0x0000000000000000)
9 0x00000001400205c1 in iqconnect (+0x205c0) (0x0000000000000000)
10 0x00000001400232b7 in iqconnect (+0x232b6) (0x0000000000000000)
11 0x00000001400230ca in iqconnect (+0x230c9) (0x0000000000000000)
12 0x0000000140022b7d in iqconnect (+0x22b7c) (0x0000000000000000)
13 0x000000007b62d189 EntryPoint+0xffffffffffffffff() in kernel32 (0x0000000000000000)
14 0x000000007bc5e683 EntryPoint+0xffffffffffffffff() in ntdll (0x0000000000000000)
0x000000007b01135e EntryPoint+0xffffffffffffffff in kernelbase: nop
Module Address Debug info Name (48 modules)
PE 220000- 23e000 Deferred lz4
PE 240000- 25a000 Deferred zlib1
PE 260000- 7ba000 Deferred mfc140
PE 7c0000- f6a000 Deferred user32
PE f70000- 1647000 Deferred gdi32
PE 1650000- 188b000 Deferred setupapi
PE 1890000- 1bbf000 Deferred gdiplus
PE 3640000- 3b92000 Deferred comctl32
PE 61540000- 61663000 Deferred advapi32
PE 61d00000- 61d10000 Deferred api-ms-win-crt-convert-l1-1-0
PE 61d80000- 61d91000 Deferred api-ms-win-crt-math-l1-1-0
PE 62100000- 6219d000 Deferred msvcp140
PE 62dc0000- 6306b000 Deferred rpcrt4
PE 63280000- 632a0000 Deferred version
PE 63540000- 63550000 Deferred api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0
PE 639c0000- 63a12000 Deferred shcore
PE 64840000- 6498e000 Deferred shlwapi
PE 64cc0000- 651cd000 Deferred oleaut32
PE 65b40000- 65b4f000 Deferred api-ms-win-crt-filesystem-l1-1-0
PE 66400000- 6640f000 Deferred api-ms-win-crt-locale-l1-1-0
PE 67140000- 67492000 Deferred msvcr120
PE 67e80000- 67ecc000 Deferred jsproxy
PE 68300000- 68490000 Deferred combase
PE 684c0000- 684d8000 Deferred concrt140
PE 68500000- 685b1000 Deferred uxtheme
PE 69200000- 6920c000 Deferred vcruntime140_1
PE 69400000- 69543000 Deferred winhttp
PE 6a200000- 6a7b8000 Deferred ole32
PE 6b5c0000- 6b5d0000 Deferred api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0
PE 6ba00000- 6bac9000 Deferred sechost
PE 6c800000- 6c80f000 Deferred api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0
PE 6cd40000- 6cd4e000 Deferred api-ms-win-crt-time-l1-1-0
PE 6eb40000- 6eb4f000 Deferred api-ms-win-crt-utility-l1-1-0
PE 6f400000- 6f411000 Deferred api-ms-win-crt-multibyte-l1-1-0
PE 6f880000- 6fb3d000 Deferred dbghelp
PE 6fd00000- 6fd10000 Deferred api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0
PE 70040000- 70057000 Deferred vcruntime140
PE 70940000- 70ca6000 Deferred ucrtbase
PE 71000000- 71058000 Deferred imm32
PE 7b000000- 7b3d1000 Dwarf kernelbase
PE 7b600000- 7b96c000 Dwarf kernel32
PE 7bc00000- 7bf88000 Dwarf ntdll
PE 140000000- 140192000 Export iqconnect
PE 180000000- 18001e000 Deferred fmt
PE 7fd6aeca0000- 7fd6aeca4000 Deferred winex11
PE 7fd6af000000- 7fd6af8d7000 Deferred shell32
PE 7fd6afa80000- 7fd6afa86000 Deferred ws2_32
PE 7fd6afbc0000- 7fd6afbc4000 Deferred iphlpapi
process tid prio (all id:s are in hex)
00000038 services.exe
0000003c 0
00000040 0
0000004c 0
00000070 0
00000088 0
000000b0 0
000000ec 0
00000044 winedevice.exe
00000048 0
00000054 0
00000058 0
0000005c 0
00000060 plugplay.exe
00000064 0
00000074 0
00000078 0
0000007c 0
00000098 0
00000068 explorer.exe
0000006c 0
000000d4 0
000000d8 0
00000080 winedevice.exe
00000084 0
0000008c 0
00000090 0
00000094 0
000000a0 0
000000a4 0
000000a8 svchost.exe
000000ac 0
000000b4 0
000000b8 0
000000bc (D) C:\Program Files\DTN\IQFeed\iqconnect.exe
000000c0 0
00000114 0
00000118 0 <==
0000011c 0
00000120 0
000006d4 0
000000c4 conhost.exe
000000c8 0
000000e4 rpcss.exe
000000e8 0
000000f4 0
000000f8 0
000000fc 0
00000100 0
00000104 0
System information:
Wine build: wine-6.0.2
Platform: x86_64
Version: Windows 7
Host system: Linux
Host version: 5.4.0-91-generic

Time: Sun December 1, 2024 2:11 PM CFBB v1.2.0 11 ms.
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