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Author Topic: News items with matlab (3 messages, Page 1 of 1)

-Interested User-
Posts: 2
Joined: Jun 10, 2014

Posted: Jun 10, 2014 12:11 AM          Msg. 1 of 3

I'm trying to figure out how to interpret news headlines from iq feed with matlab. Below are some examples from AAPL which I just pulled.

I would like to know what the 3 letters are the start of the string correspond to. Quickly scanning the AAPL items I've noticed the codes, CPR, RTC, RTB, CBW. What do they mean and where can I get more information on them?

'N,CPR,21538147367,:AAPL::OCR::TRV::EOG:,20140605070145,Equities Marking a New High -- Research on Apple, Omnicare, Travelers Cos, and '

'N,CPR,21537839723,:NXTD::GOOG::EBAY::TWTR::AAPL::V:,20140604083151,The Mobile Payment Revolution - Smartphone Apps From Square to Wocket(tm) ; How '

'N,CPR,21537526814,:AAPL::BIIB::TSLA::XONE::R:,20140603093147,Critical Alerts For Tesla, Apple, Ryder System, ExOne, and Biogen Idec Released '

'N,RTC,21537507805,:AAPL:,20140603080956,Apple Unveils IOS 8, OSX Yosemite'

'N,CBW,21535989635,:AAPL:,20140528163022,Apple to Acquire Beats Music & Beats Electronics'

DTN_Tim Walter
-DTN Guru-
Posts: 1238
Joined: Apr 25, 2006

Posted: Jun 10, 2014 07:33 AM          Msg. 2 of 3
The 3 letter codes are news sources, but I am not sure if Matlab exposes their descriptions to you within their API. The request you want to make is what we call a news configuration request, but I would suggest asking Matlab for the details regarding how this works within their API.


-Interested User-
Posts: 73
Joined: Jul 30, 2018

IQML - IQFeed-MATLAB connector

Posted: Mar 12, 2019 06:37 AM          Msg. 3 of 3
In case anyone else has the same issue: I believe that the news configuration information is not available via Matlab's Trading Toolbox.

If you are using the IQML (IQFeed-Matlab) connector instead of Trading Toolbox, you can query the news configuration as follows:
>> data = IQML('news', 'DataType','config')
data =
Category: 'All News'
Majors: [1×7 struct]

>> {data.Majors.Source}
ans =
1×7 cell array
{'DTN'} {'CPR'} {'CBW'} {'RTT'} {'CPZ'} {'CIW'} {'BEN'}

>> {data.Majors.Description}
ans =
1×7 cell array
{'DTN News'} {'PR Newswire'} {'Business Wire'} {'Real-Time Trader'} {'GlobeNewswire Inc'} {'Marketwire'} {'Benzinga Pro'}

You can also drill-down for details about news sources:
>> data.Majors(1)
ans =
Source: 'DTN'
Description: 'DTN News'
AuthenticationCode: '1D'
IconID: 10
Minors: [1×4 struct]

>> data.Majors(1).Minors(1)
ans =
Source: 'DT5'
Description: 'Treasuries, Most Actives, Gainers, Losers'
AuthenticationCode: '1D'

>> data.Majors(1).Minors(2)
ans =
Source: 'RTL'
Description: 'Derivatives - Selected Futures and Options'
AuthenticationCode: '2Ab'
IconID: 10

Note: I am not a DTN employee; my post reflects my personal opinion and not necessarily DTN's

- Yair
IQML - IQFeed-Matlab connector


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