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Hello Craig,
I just checked both of our servers for the symbol, SP-PRM2.Z and the minute data goes back to June of 2006 (and there is plenty of minute data available on March 14). Would you please email us at with your user id? We would be glad to dig into this further to help find a solution.
Hello Eric,
The daily data for @US# has been corrected. Thank you for letting us know.
In general, the first symbols before the two-digit year code "13" are the underlying equity symbols and they may take up to 5 characters.
The ones you found are a little unusual: The 1LNCO options are not valid and we are asking to have thosed deleted from the file. The TENFB and THIUFB are the U.S. Treasury 10-year and 30-year options auction. The ZVV options are Arca test symbols. I hope that helps and thank you for asking.
Hello Steve,
We will take a look at this and get back to you here.
Hello Boze man,
I am told that this issue has been repaired, but I am not able to verify until after the market close. Thank you again for letting us know.
Hello again,
There was a connectivity issue on December 21st that caused a gap in the history for these (and other) symbols. This data was inserted after the fact and there is an issue with some of the backfilled data. We are currently investigating a fix for this problem and will reload the corrected data when it is available. I will be back here with any updates.
That helped - now I see the out-of-order timestamps and will report that. I will be back here with a response when learn something helpful. Thank you.
I should add that, if you have a more recent example, it will be easier to check on because tick data is limited to 8 calendar days during market hours. Thanks.
Hello boze man,
I would be glad to help, but am having a hard time finding the same thing in the data here. Are you saying that a 12:42:00 eastern US time trade for @NQ# (for example) showed up at 14:36:00 on Dec. 21, 2012? I am not seeing that in the data here, but if you have a tick id or any other additional information, that will help.
Or perhaps, I misunderstand? - let us know. Thanks.
Support from said that they will be contacting you to help. Let us know if we are needed. Thanks.
I now show that the minute data for KFN in IQFeed goes back to May of 2007. Try it again and see if it is better for you now. Thank you.
Hello Markmm,
The daily data for @ES#C is based on the full globex hours. To do what you want, you would need a way to create your own sessions in your software and request the information from the minute data.
Hello Jonathan,
I also show that our minute data for KFN is only going back to Feb. 11, 2013 so I have asked our Market Data Services to look into it. I will let you know here when we find anything helpful. Thank you.
Hello Rodney,
We do not have upcoming earnings dates included in IQFeed, but if you would like to email me your user id at , I would be glad to enter that request for you. You can also suggest it on the IQFeed Wish List on this forum. Thank you.
Hello Sergeys1976,
We are contacting QCollector to see if they have any help for us on this one. We will be back in touch here when we learn something helpful. Thanks.
In general, that is probably fair to say, but if you have any questions about a specific company, let us know at and we can look into it.
Thank you Jaikumarm - we appreciate the positive feedback.
Hello Markmm,
We have two data fields in IQFeed that carry this information - split factor 1 and split factor 2. I have attached a screenshot of a DTN Snap Quote that shows the information (near the bottom). If your software requests these data fields, they are available in IQFeed. Thank you.
OK, so the data seems to be getting to your computer promptly - this is a good time to contact and see if they have some helpful tips for you. Thank you.
Hello conr,
Yes, there are several things that can be checked. The typical suspects for slow data transmission are internet speed, computer speed, and sometimes, software processing (when you are looking at a chart).
One of the easiest things to do is to bring up the IQWatchQuote from your IQFeed program and type an active symbol in the symbol window (like @ES# or SPY). Notice the T Time on the left side of the WatchQuote - that is the trade times from the exchange expressed in Eastern US time. How does that compare to your clock or the clock at
If you do not find a solution, please contact us at and we will be glad to take a closer look.