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Author Topic: XCI.X Computer Index (4 messages, Page 1 of 1)

-Interested User-
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Posted: Jan 5, 2011 11:02 AM          Msg. 1 of 4
You are showing down 87. Everyone else shows a little up.

Bud Schoen
Kailua, Hawaii

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Posts: 83
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Posted: Jan 5, 2011 11:05 AM          Msg. 2 of 4
Oops, I see that Yahoo also shows a big loss. Is this due to Motorola split?

Bud Schoen
Kailua, Hawaii

Stan S
-DTN Guru-
Posts: 256
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Posted: Jan 5, 2011 11:07 AM          Msg. 3 of 4
Hi Budshane,

I see the same thing here. I contacted our Market Integrity Dept & Brad refreshed the symbol which corrected it.

If we can be any further help please feel free to ask.

Stan S

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-Interested User-
Posts: 83
Joined: Jul 26, 2004

Posted: Jan 5, 2011 11:15 AM          Msg. 4 of 4
Thanks, made my sector chart look ugly. I note that Yahoo still shows it down 80+, guess they are delayed.

Bud Schoen
Kailua, Hawaii


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