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Viewing User Profile for: Stan S
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Joined: Apr 13, 2006 04:18 PM
Last Post: Aug 17, 2011 07:41 AM
Last Visit: Nov 15, 2011 12:50 PM
Location: DTN Customer Service
Occupation: SR CSR
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Stan S has contributed to 256 posts out of 21251 total posts (1.20%) in 6,882 days (0.04 posts per day).

20 Most recent posts:
Data and Content Support » Time&Sales - trades above ask/below bid Aug 17, 2011 07:41 AM (Total replies: 5)

Hi Peter,

The exchanges send us 2 data feeds, 1 for quotes (bid & ask) and 1 for trades. That is why you see what appears to be trades outside the bid & ask. The 2 feeds are due to the huge amount of data being sent, 1 feed may not be able to handle all the data.

I hope this helps.

Stan S

What we do today, determines how people remember us forever.
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Data and Content Support » Nikkei Aug 16, 2011 07:24 AM (Total replies: 3)

Hi Anil,

The NIK.X is the Nikkei 225 index, the NN# is the 225 future, currently tracking the Sept contract.
I hope this helps.

Stan S

What we do today, determines how people remember us forever.
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Data and Content Support » Historical Time and Sales (or Trade Data) Apr 27, 2011 01:30 PM (Total replies: 6)

To get charts you will need to sign up for the API if you want to write you own charting software, or sign up for DTN IQ, or any of the 3rd party charting packages. Your sales rep can set you up with a trial of the DTN IQ if you like, or provide info on our API. If you want to look into 1 of the 3rd party charting services, please use this link to our web site for a list of the softwares.


Stan S

What we do today, determines how people remember us forever.
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Data and Content Support » Historical Time and Sales (or Trade Data) Apr 27, 2011 12:54 PM (Total replies: 6)

Hi 254029,

To get the historical data, request a chart & back fill. It will back fill the chart as far back as we have data or as far back as the charting software allows.
Here is a quick break down of what we have available for historical data.

120 calendar days of tick (includes pre-post market) and several years of 1-Minute history (Forex back to Feb 2005, Eminis back to Sept. 2005, Stock/Futures/Indexes back to May 2007) retrieval for charting and time & sales data
Daily, Weekly and Monthly Historical data (15+ years of O,H,L,C,V,OI data)

If you have any further questions please feel free to contact us directly at 800-397-7000 in the USA or if you go to our web site www.IQFeed.net there is a link to our live chat.

Stan S

What we do today, determines how people remember us forever.
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Data and Content Support » NASDAQ ticker for NASDAQ Net Volume Apr 26, 2011 07:22 AM (Total replies: 3)

Hi Karish,

The symbol for the NASDAQ 100 Net Volume is JV5T.Z

Stan S

What we do today, determines how people remember us forever.
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Good Morning Mvvcorp.

This should be fixed over the weekend. We’re going to eliminate all other contract months from charting except H/M/U/Z. This will help the chart look a lot smoother.

Stan S

What we do today, determines how people remember us forever.
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Hi Mvvcorp,

Our Market Integrity dept is checking the data & contracts. I will let you know what they find out.

Stan S

What we do today, determines how people remember us forever.
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I checked a 1 min Time & Sales & see the same thing, very thin trading on the IBM after hours. With all other symbols trading normally it looks as if the data is accurate. But to be certain I am having our Market Integrity dept double check our data with other sources. We will see what we can find & get it corrected if needed.

Stan S

What we do today, determines how people remember us forever.
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Data and Content Support » TICK.Z or JTNT.Z Mar 30, 2011 09:12 AM (Total replies: 4)

The TICK.Z & JTNT.Z are the same thing. The difference between venders data is due to these being vender calculated indexes. Each data vender figures the quotes themselves. The numbers will almost never match from 1 vender to the other, due to differences in how the data if calculated. All the indexes we calculate are on a 1 second refresh, if the other providers are using different time spans to calculate the index then the numbers will be different.

Our Market Integrity dept and QuoteDev did extensive testing and research (March 2010) to try and determine why our TICK stat was a bit different from other vendors. We couldn’t nail it down because we are not certain how other vendors are calculating their stat.

We are at a point where we would need somebody to get the exact details regarding how these other vendors are calculating their TICK. Obtaining this type of competitor information is highly unlikely.

I hope this helps.

Stan S

What we do today, determines how people remember us forever.
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Data and Content Support » TICK.Z or JTNT.Z Mar 30, 2011 08:39 AM (Total replies: 4)

Hi Karish,

We are able to get the 120 days tick data for both TICK.Z and the JTNT.Z at this end. There may be a setting in your NeoTicker that is limiting the amount of historical data. Please contact us directly and we can take a closer look at your IQ Feed to confirm all is running properly. You can call us toll free in the US at 800-397-7000 or you use the live chat available from our web site www.IQFeed.net

Stan S

What we do today, determines how people remember us forever.
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IQFeed Datafeed Wish List » ES Weekly Options Feb 14, 2011 01:33 PM (Total replies: 4)

Hi nberman,

The weekly options are something we are looking into currently. We don’t have estimates as to when they will be available. But hopefully it will be sometime this spring or summer.

Stan S

What we do today, determines how people remember us forever.
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I have our Market Integrity dept checking the data and will let you know what I hear back from them.

Stan S

What we do today, determines how people remember us forever.
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Data and Content Support » FTSE 100 future (LF#) tick data spikes Jan 21, 2011 07:59 AM (Total replies: 5)

These spikes are implied trades. Implied trades were blocked in the past , but a few weeks this was changed to allow the implied trades to pass thru.
The exchange always sent these, this was a DTN decision to allow these to pass thru in response to other customers wanting to see these implied quotes.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask.

Stan S

What we do today, determines how people remember us forever.
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Data and Content Support » FTSE 100 future (LF#) tick data spikes Jan 21, 2011 07:25 AM (Total replies: 5)

Hi Gboos,

I have contacted our Data Integrity dept to check it. I see a few small spikes in the intraday data, but nothing unusual, can you please provide a couple time stamps so we can confirm we are looking at the right areas. Also are you using an intraday chart or daily chart. Any details you can provide will assist us in finding the problems.

Stan S

What we do today, determines how people remember us forever.
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IQFeed Datafeed Wish List » News feeds Jan 18, 2011 07:29 AM (Total replies: 2)

Hi Kaliuvee,

IQ Feed does provide news, Real-Time streaming news from RealTimeTraders.com, PR Newswire, and Business Wire (other newswires available for an additional fee). You need to check with the software package you are using to see how to retrieve the news feed.

There is a list of the available news feed at this link.


If you have any further questions please feel free to ask.

Stan S

What we do today, determines how people remember us forever.
Be the positive force in someone life.

Data and Content Support » XCI.X Computer Index Jan 5, 2011 11:07 AM (Total replies: 3)

Hi Budshane,

I see the same thing here. I contacted our Market Integrity Dept & Brad refreshed the symbol which corrected it.

If we can be any further help please feel free to ask.

Stan S

What we do today, determines how people remember us forever.
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I just checked the FNSR & the data has been filled in now, if you reload the charts, all should look good now.

Stan S

What we do today, determines how people remember us forever.
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Hi dwrowley,

There was a 1-8 Reverse split and the symbol changed to FSNRD for this time period and then went back to FSNR. We will get the data for the 2 symbols merged & that will fill in the chart.
Thanks for pointing it out for us.

Stan S

What we do today, determines how people remember us forever.
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Hi Dwrowley,

I just opened a daily chart on my IQ and the data is there. I do see quite a jump in the price on the open price for 9/28/2009 and then it stays in that range and continues just fine. Not sure why it won’t fill in on your charts. Maybe try deleting the charts off the PC & reload it. I will email you a Daily time & sales file so you can see what the missing data should be.

If you have any further questions please feel free to ask.

Stan S

What we do today, determines how people remember us forever.
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IQFeed Datafeed Wish List » Euro Stoxx Tick Dec 9, 2010 07:20 AM (Total replies: 3)

Hi Nigelp,

I'm sorry, but no we dont have a tick index for the Euro Stoxx

Stan S

What we do today, determines how people remember us forever.
Be the positive force in someone life.

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